Starting Your Search
Let’s face it, the job market is more competitive than ever, which means you need to be up to the challenge.
Here are some tried and true guidelines that will help you set your expectations and make the most of your job search.
- Be Patient. Finding an equivalent position to the one you held does not happen overnight. In a good economy, it can take 1–2 weeks per $10,000 of salary to find a job. That means if you were making $60,000 a year, you could expect your job search to take at least 6 weeks before you find a similar position. In a tough economy the process can take much longer: approximately 2–4 weeks per $10,000 of salary. That means if you were making $60,000 a year, you could expect your job search to take 12 weeks plus before you find a similar position.
- Quantity Matters. The more contacts you make in your search, the more opportunities you’ll find. Working with ISG can significantly increase the quality and quantity of companies you will meet.
- Flexibility Counts. Be open to travel, longer commutes, and even a change in title if the salary is still within range of your expectations. A change in Industry could also open new doors, so be flexible in your search.
- Keep an open line of communication with your recruiter. Your ISG recruiter is your partner during your job search. In addition to providing a resume, make sure he/she knows and understands your flexibility levels, work preferences, and any other information that may be relevant to your job search.
- Tell your recruiter about any additional experience or information you think would be relevant to your resume and job search. Important details range from your current salary/pay rate and commute preference to your personal tolerance for business travel away from home. Your recruiter is your partner in this search, so share any information you think might be useful.
- Create an effective resume. A resume’s ultimate goal is to open the door to interviews. Review our Resume Guidelines to see how you can craft a resume that gets the job done.
- Make sure you have a list of professional references (direct managers and or supervisors) and peer references (co-workers) prepared in advance. Make sure you have talked with these people and sent them a current copy of your resume.